Intro Rulz Apply Members FAQS
[ Faqs ] & Site Policy
- Oh yeah, you problaby want to know how, what and why on earth this all started. It started from a thread about Kamui-Subaru-Seishirou-Fuuma-Kamui thingy (if you're familiar with X by CLAMP you would know what I mean, if not, you should know that they are all bishounens =P). The members of YF (mostly girls) in Animanga mailing list, mainly Silver Wind, Shiraishi Angel and my self (do'h do I forgot to mention anyone?) were talking about the bishounens and how delicious they would be =P
- And thus began the whole series of ice cream, at first, plus how they would be some delicious cakes and other sweets
- Fanfics, in the other hand, are triggers to some rumours around the boys relationship between eachother, or the foresome they share ^^;; and how yummy they look
- I have this idea a loonnnng time ago when I read '3 Dragons of Earth' by Ritz from cffml. At the end of the story, Sei-chan mention about his Subaru no Ice Cream hmmm ^^ I can /imagine/ how it would look like =)
- For someone who do not understand a thing...hmmm, let me explain (I try ^^), what I make here is like a clique and links, simply I link every members page to mind and members link my page to theirs
- All character designs belongs to whoever they belong to, I'm NOT claiming them for my self and I'm NOT using them for profit. I have NO money, and you can't take my piggy bank T_T;;
- The design of my web page, the writtings, and other private materials are mine or otherwise stated.
- Any material can not be taken without proper permission from the rightful owner and me as the webmaster.
- This site is LINK FREE, but kindly, please e-mail me. Of course I want to see where my site ended up and I would like to visit your site and link it too ^^
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© D . N . A Production Inc., 2000