Intro Rulz Bios Synopsis/Draft GuestBook
[ Synopsis / Draft 0.1 ]
Here we have a story, which is different from what CLAMP wrote, alas, it is a CLAMP RPG ^^
In the world that originality and CLAMP arts are one
This is A CLAMP RPG with story twist, started when a group scientits are doing some research concerning some dangerous wild-magnificent-transform animals since they can change to human form and have magic and advanced abilities (not to mention weird behaviours =P). This animals claim that they're not from this plain universe, then, where are they form? Are they from out time? Are they from pararel world? For Gods knows where. They live happily in a sanctuary provided by a mysterious foundation. The sanctuary is actually a convinient house-lab. under (the one and only) Sumeragi Subaru supervision (heh, he wants to be a vet ne?).
Unknown for the scientist and these creatures, some people were trying to take any chances to get the hold on the animals, and their powers...And some others wants to destroy them for reasons, concerning the human existence and the earth it self...
You're not spook yet are you?
Scene opens when a normal daily routine inturupted by the arrival of some other _guests_...
Anyway, the story might branch in different directions, since you may also convert/combine/crossover other Anime/Manga/games/others with this story, but you can't use their characters. As you can see from the rules, you can only used CLAMP characters and your own original characters.
[Begin Scene Take 01]
In an alternative time/world/story/whatever, far across the dream limit...Nah! Just cut the crap and begin the story =P
[Fade In]
[Close Up]
A small building in the middle of the forest
[Zoom In]
A sign "Earth Botanical Garden"
[Zoom Out]
[Fade Out]
[Change Scene]
In one of the laboratory rooms.
[Fade In]
[Close Up]
A very young scientist, very cute, loveable, beautiful green eyes *sighs * etc., was examining a girl in a very tight dress, and the writer means _tight _, which almost _revealed _ everything.
"Okay, Shii-chan, it's finished!" said this young scientist.
"Really, Subaru-kun??" She cutely asked.
"Really." He casually answered.
Before he could _even _ take a breath, she...
*Glomp *
"Gyaaahhh!!!" Subaru's face turned furious red (Of course, just look in the way they were _pressed _ against each other!)
"ALL RIGHT!" The over energetic girl embraced him more possessively. "Can now we _playyyyyy_???? PLUASEEEEE!"
A sweat form on the back of his head as she tightens her grip. "A...anou...maybe"
"Please? Pretty please?" Shii-chan looked at and into his eyes more intensely, more pleading (heh, it always works). Subaru gulped nervously as he felt her body heat when suddenly she moved in a wrong
way against him. That should enough to 'heat up' the young scientist. Subaru began to sweat more and more when Shiina began to draw her face close to him as if she wants to kiss him.[Fade Out]
[Change Scene]
In another laboratory room
[Fade In]
[Close up]
Upon the bed, lying a pretty young girl in white dress. She yawned lazily. "Man, I'm bored, wonder what will happen today."
"You are bored, Yin-chan?" A young boy with purple eyes chuckled. "I never thought you _would _ get bored, despite all the tricks you play on _all _ of us."
She laughed, "Aw, those are fun of course, I wouldn't get bored." She looked at him more deeply, "Don't say you don't like them."
He smiled, "Well, I like _some _ tricks. Please, don't tell the others I said that. They don't think those tricks are _amusing _ enough."
Yin Yue laughed harder. "Kamui-chan, you have a good taste."
Their conversation was rudely interrupt by the sounds of crashing from the other room, and Shii-chan's giggling and sighing that followed.
"Woah, what happened there?" asked Kamui.
More giggling ensued, and some crashing objects were heard.
Yin Yue quirk her eyebrow, "Don't know. Isn't that room is where Shii-chan and Subaru-kun are in?"
They glanced at each other. A thought about the two doing...
"Nahhh, it couldn't be."
[Fade Out]
[Change Scene]
Back to the first room
[Fade In]
A SD Shii-chan -in-Siberian-Tiger- form; was playing ball-catch with Subaru. The she-white-tiger was eagerly catching the ball, using her claws, with no luck. But, simply being a little cute Shiina, she loves having fun and laughing hystericaly.
Subaru was sweat dropping a couple of times as she fell from the chair, the table,the cupboard, the shelf and so on, knocking everything on it.
[Fade Out]
[End Scene Take 01]
<< :: >> ~ Neo Angel, 2000
© D . N . A Production Inc., 2000